The photos return and the old site is gone for good

A little housekeeping note for anyone who follows the site – today I officially put the old pages to rest and just redirected  anyone using the old URL to this site. I think this one is an improvement since it lets me update faster and easier and hope everyone feels the same.

The one issue I have had is with finding a good way to display the various photos from the old site on this one. The last attempt ended in some pretty annoying security breaches that caused me to remove the plugin I was using. As a quick fix I’ve decided to retain the old image pages from the old site and just placed a link on this one to get to them. It is not all that pretty but at least they are once again accessible for the viewing pleasure of all.

In the meantime I’ll keep looking for something better – I’ve tried “free” but I’ve had the best success with professional plugin’s, so if anyone knows a reasonable one that works well please let me know about it!