It’s taken a while to get this done, but I’ve finally uploaded the 17th CVI chapter from Gerry Caughman’s excellent work on Connecticut’s Civil War battle flag collection.
For those not from Connecticut, Gerry Caughman was known (and is still known) as the “Flag Lady” for the Herculean efforts she put forth to preserve these flags and educate people about the flags and the people behind them. Sadly, Gerry passed away in 2012.
Time has not been kind to many of these flags – the flags of the 17th among them – but her book offers us a rare glimpse at what remains of them as well as the history behind them.
Thanks to the State Capitol Preservation and Restoration Commission and Chairman Robert Harris, Jr. for granting permission for this to be reproduced on the site…and to Gerry Caughman for her decades of work with these flags.