20 years!

Hard to believe, but this is the 20th anniversary of the 17th CVI website. It’s come pretty far from its humble beginnings as a free AT&T WorldNet website. Thank you to all those folks who have contributed their time, effort and information for everyone who has an interest in honoring those who served.

This is also the 130th anniversary of the dedication of the 17th CVI monument on East Cemetery Hill (a couple of months and a couple of days early, to be exact). I’ll be in Gettysburg for a few days this week showing my son-in-law the battlefield, of course spending extra time with the 17th CVI.

The October 1889 dedication of the 17th CVI monument on East Cemetery Hill
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C. Michael Anderson

You have a wonderful site here, congratulations on a job done! And 20 Years! I’ve been following this site for almost that long.

Carolyn Ivanoff

Thank you for keeping the 17th Connecticut alive for all of us who wish to remember and honor them. Twenty years is a long time, and no time at all. Congratulations for your hard work and dedication to the Fairfield County Regiment!