Over 1,000 individuals served with the Seventeenth Connecticut Volunteer Infantry from August 1862 until their muster out in July 1865. The soldiers who died during the war – whether from disease or wounds suffered in combat – are buried in graves throughout the North and South. Some are marked while others lie in graves marked “unknown” or forever lost.

An example of Bob Rosati’s work on the Find-A-Grave site. This is Henry Albin’s page, his grave is at the Spring Grove Cemetery in Darien, CT.
Some surviving veterans returned to their lives in the same communities that they had been born in. For others, their exposure to different sections of the country and to people from all across the world fueled a desire to travel elsewhere to make their way in life. The final resting places of the soldiers of the Seventeenth can be found throughout the country (and probably further afield than that).
Over the years I’ve tried to find those resting places, as have others. Fred Chesson and Bob Young supplied numerous names and locations that unfortunately never found their way onto previous versions of this site. Recently, Bob Rosati made it his goal to locate as many of the graves of the veterans of the Seventeenth as possible in honor of the regiment’s upcoming 150th anniversary on August 28, 2012. To date (2021), he and others have documented 991 on the online database Find-A-Grave.
Bob’s work can be found here for those who are looking for the ancestors who served with the regiment. Anyone who wants to add their ancestor’s burial place can contact Bob through his profile page on Find-A-Grave by clicking here.
Thanks to the work done by Bob and others as well these graves won’t be lost to us.