150 years ago today, April 27, 1863, the 17th CVI marched out of camp and headed off to what would become there first battle at Chancellorsville. It’s fitting that the new Civil War park in Stafford, VA opens today. Their regimental camp was located nearby.
The day was “… bright and pleasant though rather too cool for comfort (and) the boys appeared in good spirits and ready for the march” wrote Private Justus Silliman of Company H. It was a day not unlike today here in the northeast. As they marched many soldiers began to discard belongings that they felt were no longer necessary, whether it be overcoats, packs, and many other smaller items. This became a scene that would play out over and over for the next few days along the route of march.
That night the regiment camped near Hartwood Church. Here is a photo of the church as it appeared when I visited in 2008.