Tag: Gettysburg

A wartime wedding (the Horace Judd story continued)

Just about the time this website received a major facelift in the summer of 2011, I had written a post about the wartime wedding of one Horace Q. Judd. That story is told in the post A Wartime Wedding in…

A reflection on Barlow’s Knoll

Yesterday I arrived in Gettysburg ahead of the rededication later today of the flagpole on Barlow’s Knoll – the flagpole erected by the veterans of the 17th CVI to mark the spot where Lt. Colonel Fowler was killed on the…

17th CVI Flagpole Rededication Ceremony

The rededication of the 17th CVI flagpole on Barlow’s Knoll is on track for July 1, 1863 – the 155th anniversary of the first day of the battle. The schedule of events is attached. The ceremony begins at 12 noon,…

Save 35 at Barlow’s Knoll at Gettysburg

Thanks to Charlene Henderson for the heads up on this from the Civil War Trust. I posted an excerpt here, but the full story can be found by clicking on the link below. While any chance to save battlefield land…

New additions

Added a nice article from the July 8, 1884 Gettysburg Star and Sentinel regarding the dedication of the 17th CVI monument on Barlow’s Knoll. It is a nice compliment to the official publication put out by the veterans.

Words cannot describe…

…my initial reaction to this headline: “Skull of Civil War soldier found at Gettysburg to be auctioned” The short version of the story is that the skull was found near the “Benner’s Farm” in 1949 and it was expected to…

Night on East Cemetery Hill

Anyone who travels with me to Gettysburg knows that I like to spend some quality time – after dark – on East Cemetery Hill. It doesn’t matter much what season it is (although honestly, off-season means fewer people and fewer…