Website enhancements (a work in progress)

It’s been a while since I’ve had time to add information to the site – mostly because a lot of the pending additions require transcribing letters…a time-consuming process when the original handwriting is legible, and seemingly an eternity when it is not (letters written by Colonel William Noble are the latter quality).

The latest enhancement is to the rosters. Slowly but surely information from the U.S. Register of Volunteer Deaths is being added to the entries of those soldiers who died during the war. For the most part, I’ve changed the cause of death to 21st century terminology to make more sense to today’s reader. For example, scarlet fever versus scarlatina, or gunshot wound versusĀ “Vulnus Sclopeticum”, also abbreviated as” V.S.”, “Vuls. Sclo.”, or “V. Sclopeticum” in the records!

Just to make things a little more interesting, the names are not always correct. They range from minor misspellings to weird phonetic changes to some that are totally different.

I hope that this extra information will be valuable to readers who are researching a particular soldier.