Category: General Information

Memorial Day 2014

  “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to…

Some more additions to the site

Thanks to Paul Keroack and the Norwalk History Room at the Norwalk Public Library, is able to add a variety of letters written home by Floyd T. Ruscoe of Company H for our readers. Ruscoe, originally from Lewisboro, NY,…

Website enhancements (a work in progress)

It’s been a while since I’ve had time to add information to the site – mostly because a lot of the pending additions require transcribing letters…a time-consuming process when the original handwriting is legible, and seemingly an eternity when it…

A dog’s eye view

The battlefield sidekick found a few other places that were fun. A little rain and thunder didn’t stop her. Puddles are fun if you are a puppy. The weather and the crowds (forgetting it is summer) made it a little…

In the ‘burg – on scene at Gettysburg is in Gettysburg for a quick weekend (or almost weekend) visit. I wasn’t really to keen about braving the crowds for the 150th so here we are a few later. Since it is going to be a bit hot…

150 years ago in Bridgeport

Today marks the 150th anniversary of the date over 1,000 soldiers were mustered into Federal service as the 17th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry. For many this was their first service, for some it was their second or even third. On this…

150 years ago…

Although the sesquicentennial commemoration of the U.S. Civil War began last year, next month is the 150th anniversary of the organization this site commemorates. On August 28, 1862, the 17th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry was mustered into service at Camp Aiken (now…

Roster update

The rosters have been updated with the additional information through Company D. I still need to go into the volunteer records from 1864 to update later enlistments, and will have to look at some other sources to get the remaining…